About Me

My name is Prince. I am currently a student studying computer science. I am also a Christian. Overall, I am an average boring person that talks about average boring things. In my free time, I love to read a good book or watch a good anime. Some might call me a weeb, and they would be correct.

I do not consider myself a good writer, so the quality of the articles on here may be subpar. However, if you still like my posts somehow, I very much appreciate it!

What is this blog about?

This blog is about everything. Or maybe nothing. I do not have a set topic of what this blog will be about. I post random things that interest me. A lot of posts will likely be tech related, some of will be about Christianity, some about cats, and some completely random.

Support Me

If you would like to support me or just want to give me money for some reason, you may donate to me. It is very appreciate, though not at all expected.